Friday, October 14, 2011

Turning 10!!

I am turning 10 in 3 days!! I am so excited!! I will post more later!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My favorite place to read

This is a project for school.

I like to read outside, in the library, and my mom's room. Outside is nice and quiet. My two loud sisters don't bug me. I like the summer breeze and the sunlight on my book. Outside is wonderful because nobody screams. It is beautiful outside all of the time.

I like to read at the library because I feel like a princess because all the books in a really big library are like my castle. And I find all kinds of books in my castle.

I like reading in my mom's room because it is kind of quiet. And i get to be with my mom, she works in there. It is fun reading in all my different places.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

I got my hair cut!!

I really wanted a mohawk but only BOYS can have mohawks at school, so I got it cut short and then the lady styled it kind of like a mohawk.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Grant's Farm

Today we went to Grant's Farm. It was fun.

A president used to live here.

 Ulysses S. Grant

We took a tram ride.

The donkey almost touched me.

My mom made my ride the carousel.

Then we got to feed the goats! 

This tan goat would not stop following me.

Here he is up close...

I think he liked me.

Then I fed the camels. It was so funny.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Drum roll please!!

I'm here to announce the winner of the big giveaway! I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who entered. I love to write and it makes me happy that you are reading my blog.

A big THANK YOU to my sponsors (Avon by Karen, Randomosity, Ella J, La Bella & Less Than Three)

And the winner isssssssss............................. *drum roll*

Anonymous said...

I follow on google friend ... dor
dorcontest at gmail dot com

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


BLOG BASH 2011 is here!! :)

To win, all you have to do is be a follower of my blog and you have to leave a comment with your email address. Leave ANOTHER comment if you "liked" all fan pages. So, a possibility of 2 comments total.

My sponsors are listed below. Please "LIKE" their Facebook pages. You must be a fan to win their prize.

1) Avon by Karen  Fan Page    Shop

About: Say good-bye to frizz, flyaways & hair that is untamed. One application, and frizz is finished. 

2) Surprise prize from La Bella Baskets: Susie Sattinger -- FB PAGE

3) A 8x10 seagull print from Ella J Photography -- FB Page

4&5) Prizes donated by Randomosity (FB PAGE) Seven Sling ($30 value), Udder Cover ($30 value)

6) And a prize I made myself. Duct tape pens. $10 value (2 pens your choice of colors) You don't have to but please subscribe to me on YouTube if you have an account. :)

7) Less Than Three Boutique -- Picture Messageboard -- $15 value FB / Website

Please visit the other giveaways going on!!

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Sunday, June 19, 2011